Dear All
I hope you all well. .... There is a lot of activity happening in preparations for the 350th anniversary of Cawthorne (6 July - 13 July). If you would like to participate in anyway in the celebrations please do pop along to the events below or contact the organisers mentioned:-
Calling all knitters and crocheters - Looking for squares to be made, the purpose is to decorate the post box. This can be done in a group, who are meeting tonight at 6.00pm, village hall or done at home. If doing at home please drop off your squares to Jackie Entwistle.
Budding Amatuer Dramatic enthusiasts - During Field Day (6th July) we are hoping to run the play Wind in the Willows. Cawthorne school will be doing part one and we are now recruiting (for part two) anyone who would like to participate in the Teen/adult section. If you like to be in the play, please contact Jackie Entwistle directly.
May Services
5th 11.00am BCP
12th 5.30pm Family service
19th 11.00am Lambing service, led by our Youth leaders
26th 5.30pm Evensong
Field Day Saturday 6th July - Please note that field day this year is in JULY not June.
350th Anniversary celebration of Cawthorne School - Saturday 13th July
These events are open to the wider community and we very much welcome all past and present students of Cawthorne's Endowed school back to Abbeystead where hopefully they can relay to others their happy memories of their time at school.
Abbeystead Supper Run
Change of Date - Now Tuesday 21st May 7.30pm start
The Supper Run returns this summer and it was a great success last year. The course is a 4 mile run or walk. Each participant will receive hotpot after the run in the village hall. If you would like to enter the event then please visit https: Dear All
I hope you all well. .... There is a lot of activity happening in preparations for the 350th anniversary of Cawthorne (6 July - 13 July). If you would like to participate in anyway in the celebrations please do pop along to the events below or contact the organisers mentioned:-
Calling all knitters and crocheters - Looking for squares to be made, the purpose is to decorate the post box. This can be done in a group, who are meeting tonight at 6.00pm, village hall or done at home. If doing at home please drop off your squares to Jackie Entwistle.
Budding Amatuer Dramatic enthusiasts - During Field Day (6th July) we are hoping to run the play Wind in the Willows. Cawthorne school will be doing part one and we are now recruiting (for part two) anyone who would like to participate in the Teen/adult section. If you like to be in the play, please contact Jackie Entwistle directly.
May Services
5th 11.00am BCP
12th 5.30pm Family service
19th 11.00am Lambing service, led by our Youth leaders
26th 5.30pm Evensong
Field Day Saturday 6th July - Please note that field day this year is in JULY not June.
350th Anniversary celebration of Cawthorne School - Saturday 13th July
These events are open to the wider community and we very much welcome all past and present students of Cawthorne's Endowed school back to Abbeystead where hopefully they can relay to others their happy memories of their time at school.
Abbeystead Supper Run
Change of Date - Now Tuesday 21st May 7.30pm start
The Supper Run returns this summer and it was a great success last year. The course is a 4 mile run or walk. Each participant will receive hotpot after the run in the village hall. If you would like to enter the event then please visit Dear All
I hope you all well. .... There is a lot of activity happening in preparations for the 350th anniversary of Cawthorne (6 July - 13 July). If you would like to participate in anyway in the celebrations please do pop along to the events below or contact the organisers mentioned:-
Calling all knitters and crocheters - Looking for squares to be made, the purpose is to decorate the post box. This can be done in a group, who are meeting tonight at 6.00pm, village hall or done at home. If doing at home please drop off your squares to Jackie Entwistle.
Budding Amatuer Dramatic enthusiasts - During Field Day (6th July) we are hoping to run the play Wind in the Willows. Cawthorne school will be doing part one and we are now recruiting (for part two) anyone who would like to participate in the Teen/adult section. If you like to be in the play, please contact Jackie Entwistle directly.
May Services
5th 11.00am BCP
12th 5.30pm Family service
19th 11.00am Lambing service, led by our Youth leaders
26th 5.30pm Evensong
Field Day Saturday 6th July - Please note that field day this year is in JULY not June.
350th Anniversary celebration of Cawthorne School - Saturday 13th July
These events are open to the wider community and we very much welcome all past and present students of Cawthorne's Endowed school back to Abbeystead where hopefully they can relay to others their happy memories of their time at school.
Abbeystead Supper Run
Change of Date - Now Tuesday 21st May 7.30pm start
The Supper Run returns this summer and it was a great success last year. The course is a 4 mile run or walk. Each participant will receive hotpot after the run in the village hall. If you would like to enter the event then please visit
Mobile Library
The library will be coming on to The Lee on the following Fridays (every 3 weeks) approximately 13.30pm:
17th May
7th June
28th June
Whist & Dominoes
W&D is a monthly event, every 3rd Wednesday. All monies raised are for the upkeep of the Parish Hall. The group would also like to add, that everyone is welcome and in particular those new to dominoes and whist.
Chess Club
From beginners to Grand Masters, there's a class for you.... Held at Garstang Arts Centre (01995 606648), every Thursday 1.30pm-3.30pm.
Partners In Environment Youth Group the next meeting will be happening on the 26th May. Please see their facebook page for further details.
It is open to secondary school aged children. Please let Helen Foster know if anyone is interested in joining the group.
This meeting has been put back and is now on the 23rd May 7.15pm at church
Abbeystead Show
Potatoe Challenge - Potatoes are now available to collect from Simon Tait at Greenbank.
Forest School
Mini Forest Youth Group for Mini's
Friday 17th - Meeting at 5.00-6.00pm . Please let Jackie know if your child/ren will be attending for resource information.
FRIDAY 27th May - Half Term
Monday 3rd June - School re-opens
Toddler Play and Stay - from birth to 4 years, the group meet once a month on a Thursday 2.30pm - 3.30pm
2nd May
6th June
4th July
Duke's Theatre
The Dukes are working in partnership with a research team from Lancaster University, and we are looking for people to take part in a short-term pilot project.
The research title is ‘Cinema, Memory Work and Well-being in Older People’.
If you are 65+ or are living with dementia, they would like to invite you to come and watch a free screening of The Graduate at the Dukes on 20th May, and also consider applying to take part in some research tasks prior to and following the film screening.
To book tickets for The Graduate:
Book Now › The Dukes (
There is lots of useful information about the project on the information sheet and poster that is attached to this email. Please also pass this on to anyone else who you feel may be interested.
If you would like to get more information or to speak to someone about the project, please contact:
Dr Megan Polden 07552 645080 or
Friday 10th - Craft evening 6pm at the village hall. Children are welcome. They will be knitting and crocheting mini squares. There will be refreshments available.
Friday 10th - 12th - Highest Point Music Festival at Williamson Park Lancaster
Saturday 11th-12th - Scorton Tractor Pull
Saturday 11th-12th - Plant sale in aid of Rosemere Cancer Foundation. Event being held at Middle Holly Bungalow, Middle Holly, Forton PR3 1AH opens 10.00am - 4.00pm
Saturday 18th-19th - Bleasdale Tower Gardens open weekend PR3 1UY. Payment on entry.
Tuesday 21st - Abbeystead Supper Run. Starting point is the village hall, setting off at 7.30pm
Thursday 23rd - Over Wyresdale APCM 7.15pm at church
Sunday 26th - Partners in the Environment
Thursday 6th - D Day 80 year anniversary
Saturday 6th - Saturday 13th Celebrating 350 years of Cawthorne's Endowed School.
The B4RN computer club meets online every Friday 2.00pm-4.00pm and on the 1st Wednesday of every month at 7.00pm-9.00pm. Please email for your zoom invitation. A great place to find out more about VoIP and WiFi options, as well as anything else computer or internet related.
If you would like to connect to B4RN and you are still within contract of your provider, B4RN will connect you at a reduced rate until your existing contract expires. Details on their website.
B4RN Helpdesk is operational. To get help with technical problems email or phone 015242 38499
Regular Giving
If you are in a position to provide a regular contribution to our churches please contact the following for further information:
Over Wyresdale - Helen Yu email -
Quernmore - Stephen Potter email -
Dolphinholme - Nicola Wojarski email -,
Vicar Rev Canon Cindy Rigney 01524 793125
Benefice Safeguarding Officer Catherine Worthington 07973428308
Church Warden Caroline Eames 01524 39163
Youth Leaders Jackie Entwistle 07525420884 Rob & Helen Foster or
Please do let me know if there is anything you wish to be included or sent round in a round robin. And also if there is anybody that you know who would like to be included in the What's on in Abbeystead' group please ask them to contact me and let me know. For further information on what's going on in our local community, sign up to the Abbeystead group and Christ Church fb pages.
Signing off with warmest regards